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"Ability is what you're capable of. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." -Lou Holtz (US 1937- )

Monday, February 8, 2010

hold your breath, it gets better

i don't think i've ever really experienced the "magic" of disneyland (i used to only go with the marching band), which would explain why i'm STILL so excited about my socal weekend. i might actually be more excited now than i was before the trip.
the 2 days of rainy weather didn't really bother me (including ponchos, wet feet, and annoying umbrellas), and i got some really fun pictures! 
the only thing disappointing about rain was the lack of lines to wait in. we were all ready with movies loaded onto my ipod touch and edwin's iphone! hahaha i know, i'm not complaining. and i at least got to finish toystoryII :) 

i now have 3 of my own vinylmation toys, one of them being a "design your own" figurine (the white one). i'm still looking for inspiration but can't wait to do something cool with him :)

they all had their own photographic disneyland adventure, representative of my own. [they will probably make appearances in future adventures too]

shameless plug of the day:   we just discovered a new board game (courtesy of laura & anthony) called wits & wagers and it is HILARIOUS. we played it for hours on saturday (with an intermission of laura kicking a kid's butt in air hockey) haha. it seriously rocks.

that's all, folks!

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