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"Ability is what you're capable of. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." -Lou Holtz (US 1937- )

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

my future awaits me

a lot of things have been changing in the past year.

i've changed homes 4 times.

i've changed jobs... from working at the hotel and school, to just working at the hotel, then being on pool status at the hotel and working at tustin ranch, and now struggling to get hours anywhere.

i've changed my mind several times... first i was in denial. then i decided to face the music by going somewhere completely different -- seattle or portland. and now i'm taking charge by (ironically) letting the pieces fall into place.
i'm not sure about seattle anymore... or portland. i'm definitely not sure about orange county, and it looks like LA may be a definite option. and i'm ok with that!
wherever i'm meant to go, is where i'm going to end up.
(it's kind of up to God now)
change is change.

i'm thankful for a roof over my head, and family that's willing to provide it for me,
for people who are supportive and helpful,
and for friends who know the value of quality time.

my resume is out all over the place, and i'm just waiting to see where the search will take me
_castle pets resort and spa
_sports marketing international
_ritz carlton marina del rey (banquets captain)
_seattle waterfront marriott
_parlor billiards seattle
...& a number of other random catering places

pretty good options, huh? =)

1 comment:

  1. <3 i can't wait for our pasedena play date! love the sf pics ;p
