a + b = me

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"Ability is what you're capable of. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." -Lou Holtz (US 1937- )

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

just me, jo.

a little late on bringing in the new year, but i've committed to blogging again.
[thanks for checking me out]

here it is. my new blog.

i'm actually pretty bummed, couldn't bring back my old one since google shut down jojoey and everything was connected to that account :(
but it's a new beginning! not quite clean and sparkly yet, but it'll get there!

as les brown says, time to shine... 2009.

in addition to blogging, i commit to...
-exercise. walking the dog, jogging, anything. and maybe eventually getting a gym membership, after things settle down a little.
-spend less and budget better. no more impulse shopping.
-making more lists. they keep me structured.
-if not blog... write, work on photos, etc. some kind of creative outlet for thoughts and ideas.
-keeping in touch with close friends. ones in new zealand that i miss dearly, hana in san francisco, ones that i hope to see more often.
-creating a book list, and reading a book a month. personal development.
-reflecting. so i can be a better friend, girlfriend, person --a better me! cheesy as it sounds. you can always better your best.

what's been up
i have no hours at work this week. pretty shitty. i still have bills to pay and a bad few months behind me.
so i'm in search of a new (3rd) job. (well, technically 2.5)
_ruth's chris (between 11-3 walkin interview - today)
_houston's (3-4 walkin - today)
_melting pot (applied)
_il fornaio (must call)
_mccormick&schmicks (applied - call terri when she's back)
_taleo (try to talk to nick)

i need to talk to my boss at tustin ranch... see if things are going to start looking up for me.
if i'm not going to be able to pay bills here, i am seriously considering moving up to washington. seattle, maybe... or my parents suggested i live with them in vancouver for awhile.
gives me a weird feeling thinking about it. yep.

hence: begins my... stuff.
a facebook post that i had fun doing.
(ps. sf photo post coming soon)

16... things i didnt realize about myself until i thought about this note...

(once you’ve been tagged, write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If i tagged you it's because i want to know more about you, or just want to hear what you have to say because it's interesting.)

1. i never really liked my name when i was a kid... i always imagined being a samantha, or anne like anne of green gables. i had a thing for nicknames, but i never got one till high school. the closest ever was when my brother was "farmer dan" and i was "farmer anne" and we were growing grass for his science experiment. it wasn't till high school that people started giving me nicknames. joey was my favorite. and Jo stuck. i'm not complaining :)

2. whenever i ride in cars (or sit anywhere), i have to put my legs up. i usually will sit indian style, but curling up and slouching down in the seat works too. i can't ever imagine not being able to fit on the seat that way.

3. not counting piano, i've dabbled in a lot of instruments since 4th grade. flute/piccolo, guitar, bass guitar, drumline (i played 2nd bass at football games and marimba/vibes in pit), and as much as i wish i could rock out on all of the above, i'm really only proficient at flute and piano.

4. i'm better at cheering other people up than myself. my own vices: grilled cheese w/fries inside and ranch dressing or some sort of frozen delight (ie: ice cream).

5. i'm really particular about the orientation of things... if it looks too conventional, i'll pick the opposite. i dunno, maybe its my dying-to-be-artistic eye, or just taste. i almost always prefer portrait (vertical) photos over landscape (horizontal). i love long rectangles. i can't really explain it.

6. i love setting goals, even though i tend to forget them. funny, how it still makes me feel accomplished.

7. remember when you were a kid and you named all of your stuffed animals/toys? the only toy i ever named was a teddy bear - cinnamon. and that's only because i felt pressured by my friends who had named everything they owned.

8. i got my first pair of trendy jeans in the 8th grade. they were paris blues, hipster flare jeans, $13 from Stylez for Less. I was so excited about actually having something trendy I think i wore them all through high school until there were rips on the butt pockets.

9. i make lists in my head, that i want to write down, but when it comes to writing them down it's not as satisfying. i'm still looking for that perfect method to keep my lists, and as convenient as my cell phone is, i guess it's not ideal because i don't use it very often for lists. and they pile up... lists of things to do, things to write, what to remember... and then lists of lists i need to make...

10. i love the feeling of getting earwax taken out of my ear... which makes me miss being a kid, because the pediatrician would have me lay down on my side so he could take it out and it would feel soooo good like nice and clean. doesn't happen anymore :(

11. i've been a flower girl at least 11 times in my lifetime, a junior bridesmaid once, and a "best woman" once.

12. at my 10th birthday party, my dad told all my friends that i was an accident and they didnt want me. i cried.

13. when i was young, maybe around 5th or 6th grade, i DITCHED SUNDAY SCHOOL. yes, yes i did... with my best friends wendy and kim... we went to this little room under the stairs at cefc and played mancala and talked. i got in big trouble and pastor rich never let me hear the end of it.

14. i'm allergic to cats, kiwi fruit, amoxicillin and bactrim. i found out i was allergic to amox on my birthday, freshman year. i spent the day in bed broken out with major hives from the tips of my ears to my toes.

15. some kids grow up with dogs, cats, pet turtles, whatever. i grew up having a goldfish tank and birds - parakeets. bluebell when i was little, then one i can't remember, then tinny and qwerty. and finches that annoyed the crap out of us.

16. i believe in the law of attraction, and i have very little tolerance for people who are negative and feel sorry for themselves and do nothing but blame other people, and wait for it all to happen again.

1 comment:

  1. hey jo!
    gosh, i haven't heard/talked/seen you in FOREVER.

    i just wanted to put in my 2 cents about your possible 2.5th job.
    i worked for starbucks in LA before going to UCI, and then again during my 3rd year (I quit right before SPOP started). I worked at the alton/jeffrey one and if he's still around, my co-worker (paul) is a manager(?) at the sandcanyon one. I loved working for Starbucks!-- You get to meet all these interesting people and it's never boring.

    Anyways... '16 things' comments:
    #1: I HATED my name as a kid! My cousins from the Philippines had sent over bracelets with our names beaded onto them and mine read "Ja-Ja". I loved it and wore it everyday but I got made fun of everyday because of it-- why are kids so mean? "jaja blah blah." It's funny now how I would be so hurt over that, but now I don't want to be called anything else. And now, it's awkwardly formal to be called my 'official' name .
    #4: Word. We should just cheer each other on.
    #7: I'm the total opposite! i name EVERYTHING. do you remember Frekkles?! hah-- i STILL sleep with him. hah
    #10: ME TOOOOOOOOOOO. hahaha...

    I hope you're doing great Jo. I still remember when you were a wee-little one who I talked to all night, which ended up just putting Arsen to sleep. hah.

    Miss you, Jah
