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"Ability is what you're capable of. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." -Lou Holtz (US 1937- )

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

love in paper form

[things i've realized from my paper past]

In preparation for this impending move, i finally shut myself in my room and tackled two sterilite shoeboxes that have been sitting around with my collection of notes, cards, and sentimental stuff.
(if anybody has a thing for stationary, i have a nice stack that you can have)
this all came in perfect timing, these little bits of love in a box.

a note that i came across was from someone i was really close with in jr high and through hs until she moved.
i was so naiive and sheltered at this time that i never realized the significance of the world around us. i read this last night and was surprised at how much i agree with it now, 6 years later, and didn't even think anything of it back then.

it said, "i really hope i get to go back to cali, before we all go off to college; i don't think i'll be attending school there, because i've my mind set on going somewhere else. it's experience that counts, and i don't want to be staying in one place for too long. there's so much to see out there, and when you travel, i hope you look up at the big world and say, "Life is beautiful"

(thanks christy)

these little pieces of paper showed me how much i've changed, grown, and how lucky i was to have certain people around me.

my grandmother sent me a birthday card every year, in chinese, so i never knew what they said but they mean the world to me still.

i had a stack of notes from high school, when all the girls would write to each other about nothing at all, on super fobby stationary and that was life.

i kept in touch with few people in high school, and while it's kind of a bittersweet feeling to look back and know that i left some people behind, i think it helped me to move on from that stage in my life and become more independent.
the ones that keep in contact with me are amazing and supportive (i don't think i appreciate them enough) and they, too, have grown into amazing people.

this was on written on my dorm door before he disappeared for 3 years haha

a lot of my transition into college was influenced by going to spop

and then a lot of who i am today was influenced by being a spop staffer.

Aldor[m] experience was.... interesting, to say the least.
i learned a lot, and grew up a lot too. lost some friends, and grew some more.
being in ASuci was another way i wanted to be involved, and i think it really fit my post-spop college life at the time.

i really have come a long way and accomplished a lot throughout the 4.25 years of my college career. every single thing has been an experience that has built me to who i am today and although my parents may think that i'm troubled, i think i turned out ok.

the full collection of scans can be viewed on my flickr.

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